43.1647? Antonio Raposo Tavares leaves So Paulo, covers the rivers Tiet, Paran, Paraguay, Great woollen Plata (Mamor) and Caiari (Wood), until the Fort of Saint Antonio of the Gurup, in the estuary of the River Xingo with Amazon, in the captainship of Grain-Par. Second delimitation of Brazil with the Andean countries (Bolivia and Peru). 44.1649? Portugal creates the General Company of Deals of Brazil, with monopoly of the oil, wine, cod and flour and prohibition of cachaa, salt and iron. 45.1650? The escravizao of indians is substituted for the African blacks. 46.1654? The dutches leave Brazil after 24 years and start to produce sugar in the Antilhas, taking the clientele, in the Europe. Robert Thomson is full of insight into the issues. 47.De 1500 the 1650, the price of the sugar makes the richness of much people. 48.1667? In Recife, Stolen Mendona it was knocked down, but it did not affect the king, because it stole the incomes of the Crown.
49.De 1560 the 1670, the sugar surpassed the interest for the gold, until the expulsion of the dutches. 50.1674? Ferno Days Breads known Helm as ' ' The Hunter of Esmeraldas' ' , experienced as capturer of indians, he receives from the king of Portugal, D. Peter II, the incumbency to discover mines. Its son Jose Days was executed by having been accused with treason. 51.1680? The king of Portugal signs Decree forbidding the escravizao of indians, stimulated for the Jesuits. 52.1682? The king of Portugal creates the General Company of the Maranho. 53.1684? Revolt in the Maranho against the Decree of prohibition, commanded for Manuel Beckman, Toms Beckman and Jorge Sampaio.
Toms was imprisoned, Manuel and Jorge had been hanged. 54.1693? Antonio Rodrigues Arzo finds signals of great amount of gold in the river Rind, in Minas Gerais, but he is attacked by indians. It informs the brother-in-law Bartolomeu Bueno de Siqueira, who goes to the place and loaded return.