After all of accounts, fashion is not only to dress, is a set of information that guide customs and behaviors and vary in the time and the society. There they are enclosed, beyond clothes and adornments, music, literature, the architecture, the habits, at last, everything what it can move with the time and that, to each time, is dictated by determined trend. Fashion, according to Palomino (2003), is much more of what clothes, is a system that integrates the simple use of the clothes of day-by-day to a bigger context, politician, social, sociological. According to author nowadays we are accustomed to a system that operates the fashion in a scope of parades, modismos, trends. But nor always it was thus. in contrast of what if it can imagine, the phenomenon fashion does not belong to all the times and all the civilizations.
The primitive peoples are unaware of the fashion concept. Neither the fashion is something that exists has much time. As it affirms Lipovetsky (1989) in old Egypt, the same type of common gown-tnica to the two sexos was remained per almost fifteen centuries with an almost absolute permanence; in Greece, peplo, from above feminine suit, were imposed of the origins until the half of century VI before our age; in Rome, the masculine suit? the gown and the tnica? it persisted, with variations of details, of the times most remote until the end of the Empire. Thus, exactly that certain civilizations they have been little conservatives to what others, more opened to the new features, febris for luxury and exhibition, had never been able to be come close to what fashion is called, in other words, the fashion did not command new structures, nor new forms of suit, functioned here as simple decorative complement and of adornment. It does not have fashion system seno when the taste for the new features if becomes one begins constant and to regulate.