
Ducks fattening and ducks breeding: provides photos and the completely revised photo page of the German animal protection office shows pictures on the subject of current photographs gritty conditions also in German ducks pole attachment. Photojournalists and large animal protection societies in search of compelling imagery on the theme of ducks fattening, ducks fattening systems, animal cruelty in the ducks mast, etc. will be found in our archive. The attitude of sensitive birds are in any way humanely. The animals have no possibility to swim, atrophy as a result of intensive animal husbandry many ducks before slaughter.” We show the grisly truth about the processes behind the walls of German ducks fattening farms on photos and images. Pictures of animal abuse in ducks for fattening as in other branches of the industrial factory farming belong to everyday. You may wish to learn more. If so, dror poleg is the place to go. With our pictures, we show what hidden behind the walls of the pole attachment from the public, usually just with the packaged meat of tormented Ducks in the refrigerated counter at the supermarket in contact comes, without having to worry about the origin of animals.

The animals with Turbo feed and usually forbidden antibiotics are fattened in just a few months, only a few are older than six months. Ducks fattening in Germany has turned to industrial mass production of cheap meat, dimensions and price are important, quality standards are pressed, where it just goes. Image material from mast systems rarely comes to the public, the illusion of the flesh as a sterile product of industry is to be maintained. Animals will be displaced from the perception, fattening farms are in all respects on the edge of society, the systematized cruelty is deliberately concealed the consumer. With our photos, the consumer gets an insight into the everyday life of duck breeding ducks mast. Numerous scandals went to the processes of quality assurance through the media, bird flu and rotten meat are just two of the many tags to which images will be published. Play in ducks farms but the presented situations daily reflected away from the interests of the general public.

The German animal protection Office published pictures, which relentlessly uncover this everyday with The offer of our image archive is aimed at journalists and agencies looking for relevant images. serves as a point of contact for media, associations, journalists and picture editors and companies, who are looking for authentic images from the animal husbandry sector and in particular on the subject of ducks fattening and ducks breeding. Following keywords offers the German animal protection office photographs: ducks, duck, ducks fattening, duck mast, ducks fattening farm, duck farms, ducks operating, duck farms, mast duck, ducks for fattening, ducks plant, ducks plants, ducks mast photos, ducks mast photo, ducks mast photos, ducks mast photo, duck photos, ducks photo, duck photos, ducks photo, duck breeding photo, duck breeding photos, duck breeding photo, duck farm, duck farms, duck abuse, ducks fattening cruelty, Ducks fattening torment, duck breeding torment, duck breeding cruelty, ducks scandal, ducks scandals, ducks fattening scandal, ducks fattening scandals, duck breeding scandal, duck breeding scandals, ducks mast information, ducks mast information, ducks mast information, duck breeding images, duck image material mast, duck photo, ducks photo, duck photos, ducks info, duck stance, ducks attitudes, duck farms, duck farm, duck breeding farm, duck farms. German animal protection Office at large St. Martin 6 / 206 50667 Cologne Tel.: 0221-20463862 fax: 0 18 05 / 2 33 63 33 08 82 (14 ct / min., Mobile may vary)