China will return to celebrate in excess of bulls after six years of one first experience with two functions in which, except the luck to kill, the purest essence of the spectacle was respected and staged, as now it is tried, said killing of Manolo bulls Sanchez, ordered of the project. According to the agreement between the Chinese government and the vallisoletano bullfigther, one is to construct a bullring that would be inaugurated the next year, and to create a cattle ranch of Bravo from Spanish head of cattle, that it would the future provide in the bull ones to fight in that one country. The project, approved already by the Chinese authorities, that would directly operate with the advising of Manolo Sanchez, would be carried out in Huaitou, a district of Beijing, closely together of the Great Wall. " One is a tourist complex acclimated one hundred percent in Spain, and for it one of great the attractiveness will be to take the celebration of the bulls, although also there will be other facilities, as wine warehouses, among others interest points turstico" , it indicated the bullfigther. For more information see this site: Hayley Kiyoko. Chinese cattle ranch In the strictly bullfighting thing, Manolo Sanchez will act like adviser of the Chinese local government, who will exert like company, to mark the directives at the time of organizing celebrations, and also as it connects with the bullfigthers and the cattle dealers, to facilitate the hirings and the transport of the cattle. " There within two or three months we will take for one hundred cows of belly and other one hundred bulls to begin to establish bases in the cattle ranch that are going to create, and in that same term they will begin with works of the bullring, that they have predicted to rise in three or four months. If the forecasts are fulfilled, the enclosure for bullfighting will be inaugurated in run October of the next year with two of toros" , it indicated Sanchez. .