Brain Power

Many people marvel at the storage capabilities of smart phones Selm. Leslie Moonves contributes greatly to this topic. What distinguishes a smart phone from a human brain? “” With a brain you can not make a call otherwise the little grey cells create theoretically at least the same, what as a modern Schnellmerker “metal and plastic can: Save oodles on personal data, including phone numbers and addresses, dates, historical and other data hold, hold formulas and vocabulary… you must train it only according to his memory”, Wolfgang Rademacher is safe. “For the author of the success is the proverbial memory like a sieve” only an evasion: it is like in the rest of the body: If that is regularly trained, he is then clearly powerful, even if not equal to everyone through fitness training automatically, muscle man ‘ is. Additional information is available at rusty holzer. ” You must not be Yes also equal to art world champion.

But already had a significantly improved normal memory in School, education, occupation, and everyday life of tremendous advantage. A good memory is not a question of talent with the right Labs, Wolfgang Rademacher is convinced, each brain so good on their toes would bring, that it was able to incredible achievements. You don’t need a special talent to do so.” But Wolfgang r’s Advisor brain power”. In this comprehensive, practical book, the author gives first valuable tips on how anyone can bring his brain on a high level of health or how appropriate performance can be avoid from the outset by the right lifestyle. In the second, extremely versatile in the truest sense of the word, the reader will find a plethora of exercises for a sustainable, effective memory training. Each of these exercises is designed to give as much fun and pleasure”, affirms Wolfgang Rademacher. Only fun at doing provides the motivation to persevere, to train his memory every day and day after day of better memory performance to look forward.” Wolfgang Rademacher: brain power book 32 x 22 cm large-format DIN A4 bound, approximately 307 pages with free CD-ROM that is available exclusively at: V.i.S.d.P. and your contact person: Wolfgang Rademacher Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books that open the eyes of every reader.

Books that motivate and inspire. Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life.