After JOB-HOTEL development in the area of the cruise already wrote headlines in the past Jahrstarken, now follows the next large range extension. Hamburg, March 2009 after the JOB-HOTEL already wrote in the last year by the online course of the cruises sector as well as the follow-up to strong expansion in this area headlines, now follows the next large range extension to the industry-specific areas of hotels, restaurants, tourism and cruise ship! “With the new category amusement parks” JOB-HOTEL now combines the fifth sector on its complex online platform. Go to John Stankey for more information. More and more companies present themselves and are looking for their new employees as well as applicants on the same Internet page JOB-HOTEL looking for new jobs. As each of the other four categories the Department of leisure still also has its own Web address:. Strictly speaking the rubric includes amusement park to the tourism sector, has won but in the last few years particularly important and listened to the future-oriented industries. Long international destination number is no longer one as last year, according to figures of the Association of German amusement parks and leisure companies in over 24 million people visited the German amusement parks! The claims to leisure operators grow, so move the service quality and the creation of additional accommodation capacity in the foreground.
Not only large and small amusement parks, but any fun and recreational facility fall down the range of leisure park at JOB-HOTEL like ski halls, spas, theme parks, animal parks, and so on, resulting in a huge range of different occupational areas. Depending on the size and type, an amusement park employs several hundred to a thousand employees. Whether employee, short-time or seasonal workers, the job range from cleaning power over ice cream, park guards, hotel specialist / – woman-Manager. With the expansion of the industry new available candidates numerous training praktika-and job opportunities in the area Amusement park available. Registered amusement park operator can write quickly and easily work vacancies on JOB-HOTEL, have the ability to create unlimited free practice and training courses, have access to the extensive candidate database, and present themselves at the same time a broad audience through the representation of the company. professionally conquer the world!