Federal Health Ministry

What does change in 2012 for the insured persons and the new numbers here. For more clarity and thought, follow up with John Stankey and gain more knowledge.. It was to be feared. The limits for the contribution calculation in the statutory health insurance fund rise again in 2012 according to the plans of the Federal Health Ministry. Before but to the numbers, each a brief explanation of these boundaries, because this often leads to misunderstandings. Contribution assessment ceiling: This “number” means the amount of income, up to the contribution for statutory health and long-term care insurance is compulsory.

Income also are no longer occupied with a contribution. In 2011 this was 44.550 EUR (3.712,50 EUR per month). For 2012, this limit to 1,350 EUR rises annually to 45.900 EUR. Thus this rising to 3.03% in comparison to the previous year border. This leads to an increase in the contributions in the statutory health insurance (GKV). sion. Year working charge limit (JAEG): The insurance limit (or year working pay limit, short JAEG) the income level at which a worker may refer to private sick can insure. Only if the annual income exceeds the amount EUR (49,500 in 2011), leaving the statutory health insurance and an entry into the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) is possible.

This limit increases for the year 2012 to 1,350 EUR 50.850 EUR. As a percentage, this corresponds to an increase of 2.72%. The above changes also changed sizes for the employer subsidy gem. 257 resulting from social security code V). Employer subsidy is involved in private health insurance 2012 of employer contributions for private health insurance of the employee (and if necessary persons insured with) up to the maximum rate. In 2011, this grant amounted to a maximum of EUR 271,01. Calculation aid in blog post employer grant 2011) for 2012, thus following calculation results: 15.5% of GKV Beitrragssatz, workers wear 7.3 + 0.9% and employers 7.3% 7.3% x 3,825 EUR = 279,23 EUR = AG subsidy for health insurance 2012 this is equivalent to a multiple grant of 8.22 EUR per month, or one of annual extra grant of EUR 98,64. To note is also the new grant for compulsory care insurance. The maximum grant is calculated as follows: 1.95% care verse. Rate of contribution, of workers and employers both 0.975% wear 0.975% x 3,825 EUR = 37,29 EUR AG = grant for compulsory care insurance 2012 post increase in the statutory health insurance a worker is now legally health insurance shall pay these contributions up to the maximum contribution. The calculation of premiums in 2011 meant a maximum contribution (AG + to) EUR 575,45 in the health insurance and further 72.39 EUR in compulsory care insurance (childless pay 81,68 EUR. So, a Gesamt(Hochst)Beitrag of 675,13 EUR for a childless insured resulted in 2011. Of which more than half, i.e. 349,91 EUR In the year accounted for the employee share 2012 increases is the contribution burden as follows: total amount to the statutory health insurance: health insurance: 3,825 EUR * 15.5% = 592,88 EUR care insurance: 3,825 EUR * (1.95% + 0.25%) (Childless)) = (Childless) workers alone pays 84.15 EUR of which: KV: 3,825 EUR * (7.3% + 0, 9%) = 313,65 EUR care: 3,825 EUR * (0.975% + 0.25%) = 46,86 EUR share of total workers in 2012: 360,51 EUR compared to the previous year arises so an overhead of the worker’s monthly 10,60 EUR for health and long-term care insurance. This corresponds to a percentage increase of slightly more than 3% per year.

The Institute

The Consultant sees prepared itself well for modern technology. It’s believed that Time Warner sees a great future in this idea. 66% see no obstacle for the introduction of a system-based consultation process in the use of new technologies. Only 14% indicate to have difficulties in the use of new technologies. Read more here: Discovery Communications. You trust the Organization but no similar good stand. Only 40% of the interviewed consultants agree that there is sufficient expertise in dealing with modern information systems in the company. 61% support for a stronger promotion of this competence by the company. Cyrus Massoumi insists that this is the case. So a system-supported consulting process leads to sufficient acceptance of Adviser and maximum success in the counseling, the introduction of compulsory training for all consultants seems useful. The training can be iterated through very quickly successfully by technical consultants, while less experienced consultants to build a learning loop.

Optimal use of system-based consultation process will support all other competences in consulting achieved. Providing additional information will strengthen the advisory expertise and an intuitive and logical process produces security advice so that total will increase the quality of advice is achieved. “About the study: for the study the banking consultancy in transition requirements, conflicts and solutions, customer and consultants perspective” 216 Bank consultants of different groups of institutions as well as 4795 clients were interviewed by ibi research. The interviews were part of the project Systemgestutzter consulting process”done, has performed the ibi research together with eleven banks and IT service providers to improve the consultation process in banks and savings banks. For more information, new study the – Bank advice-in the umbruch.html of ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH.

The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the Subject areas of retail banking, E-business, IT governance and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. More information: