The Human being that discovers who is, is total happy, therefore to no it arrests it cuff to the rear. Its Life is an open Book to the Perpetual Truths if exaggerating in the Sidereal Universe, where escorregadelas of the deceit does not have more power. There somebody question: What are Perpetual Verdades? It is all the Good Knowledge spiritual and material that the Spirit conquest to be apt to carry through all the things in the diverse dimensions spirituals and materials. Recently David Zaslav sought to clarify these questions. End of the privacies It answers me when clamo, God of my justice; in the anguish you have alliviated, me; it has mercy of me and it hears my conjunct. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City spoke with conviction. Book of the Salmos, CAP. 4:1. The end of a world, Which a deep valley, That nobody could perscrutar, is arriving at the end, Because it arrives at last, to be discovered, its manifesto. The privacy human being, Now is devassada, and the person runs away frightened, Of its trespass. Its interior, is not more in occult, Because everything that was mystery is taken the serious one to be disclosed and power to be freed the Spirit of the Being That it needs to be successful to be able to live Beyond restricted the Five sensible ones. Its illuminated part total is revealed, to discover that she is divine and that livens up what it, It is the GOD SPIRIT.