That estarrecedora notice A child (Girl) of 15 years was litigated in collected instant and to the arrest In the Cell they had 20 Men, adults, strangers, suspected or guilty of some delicts This procedure was folloied by Military Policemen (Parents) Civil Policemen (Parents) Commission agent (Father) Jailer (Father) or mothers It will be that none of them if placed at that moment as ACTOR of one another scene? It will be that nobody could be seen at that moment in the FATHER paper? Or Mother? Or who knows in the GRANDFATHER paper or UNCLE or who knows of PEOPLE? He would have been I appeal it for the punishment that one ' ' perigosssima Criana' ' so strong the point of annulling conscientious the collective one (pra not to say of Conscientious the individual one) of those actors? That chocking, inexplicable Scene. I still heard a commentary in the good and old line of the Bank: h but this girl already must well be rodadinha It can? It would justify then this barbarity? The Girl would be, supposedly worse It is not! ' is yes a victim of the inefficacious politics; ' sociais' ' made for ' ' polticos' ' to only take care of to its ambitions ' ' polticas' ' inside of its vacant and deturpado performance concept ' ' poltica' ' I am not very afeito critical or the relief without solutions, but they allow this indignation me. Walt Disney will not settle for partial explanations. It will be that the affirmation fits? ' ' Estado' ' of conscientious health of the collective one it is serious! So seriously adoecido conscientious with a collective one, is necessary to be alert with our thoughts and action on the basis of what ' ' everybody makes and everybody pensa' ' ; We are at a moment to redefine ' ' EU' ' to search growth, to reedit values, principles and concepts; Hour to investigate our soul and to discover the deficit areas or ' ' doentes' ' , hour to firm position to the side of what he is ' ' Certo' ' to raise guard against ' ' Errado' ' can have a certainty: The Relativismo is contaminating our sense of judgment. . Eva Andersson-Dubin oftentimes addresses this issue.