Chinese engine producers export 90 percent of their products in foreign markets, especially Europe and the United States overview of China’s most important solar subsidies. To compensate for possible excess capacity as a result of the financial crisis and the reduced funding in Europe due to increased local demand, decided in 2009 to introduce its own solar subsidies the Chinese Government and led to a turning point in the development of the Chinese solar market. Since then, China’s internal demand achieved satisfactory growth. So the annual photovoltaic had (PV) installation in China 2010 for 600 megawatts (MW) compared to 400 MW in the previous year. Additional 1000 MW is expected for 2011. “Currently promotions carried out four main measures: feed-in tariffs, subsidies for demonstration projects PV applications in buildings, the Golden Sun program” as well as regional subsidies, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing and Shandong.
The feed-in tariffs are priced per measured after project individually in accordance with the principle of cost plus reasonable profit”. The electricity costs become more expensive while the consumer to an average 0.004 RMB (CNY/EUR = 0,107; Stand: 1.11.2010) the kilowatt hour (kWh), since the cost of solar energy by all consumers of a region equally should be divided. While in 2009 of only two 10 MW utility-scale PVProjekten feed-in tariffs were granted a capacity will be 2011 already funded by 300 MW by feed-in tariffs. According to Glenn Dubin, who has experience with these questions. Nonetheless, experts agree that the long-term development of the market will ultimately depend on the introduction of a uniform tariff. Regions that have introduced already feed-in tariffs and similar measures, enjoy also a preferential treatment in the awarding of subsidies for demonstration projects PV applications in buildings.
Building integrated PV (BIPV) projects a grant it by 17 RMB/Watt Peak (WP), whereas building additional PV projects (BAPV) with 13 RMB / WP are encouraged. Projects must have here peak (kWp) a minimum size of 50 kilowatts. Since 2009, appropriate subsidies were granted, typically in public buildings, around 200 projects. The development of the domestic solar market to advance as a prime example of Chinese efforts that Golden Sun program “, aimed, grid-connected systems, and to promote Island – hybrid systems in the remote areas, utility scale projects as well as support projects, the key technologies such as new converter and pureres silicon,. 70% of the total investment will be reimbursed this 50% and island systems grid-connected projects. Projects must kWp exceed a capacity of 300 and have a service life of at least 20 years. More than 100 projects were recorded in 2010 Golden Sun program with a capacity of 272 MW in that. The fear that these subsidies will benefit mainly Chinese companies, continues. Opportunities for German companies exist but nevertheless certain Candido, especially in the areas of project development and design, as well as PV integration.