Below I list some basic rules to make purchases that are contained in the book Colour me Beautiful, Carole Jackson. While the book has its years, seems to me that this list is timeless and can help you when it comes to investing in your wardrobe. Rules for shopping 1. Buy with your colors, looking only clothes with those colors (for this is required an analysis of Colorimetry and determine more favourable for each individual color palette) 2. Time Warner gathered all the information. Be aware of the trends of fashion in terms of colors: see what your palette tones are fashionable and choose the sentador. 3. Learn to say no to the vendors (who are trying to make us buy clothes that are not us well or that are not appropriate for our physical characteristics) 4.
Find a / seller to that is your station, i.e., whose color palette is similar or equal to yours. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Glenn Dubin. 5. Do not buy with a / friend who at least understands your station and the colors that make up your palette. 6. Not compulsive shopping: purchase items that most make you need based on your activities and occupation, in order of priority.
7 Invest more money on garments that you employ more. 8 Be well dressed / or when buying, this will allow you: a) be able to judge better how you have left the garments that you try and b) receive better care. 9 Have a routine to make purchases in the following order: a) find your waist b) choose garments in colors that favor c) see the personality of computers: do you see reflected / or not? (((d) see the style and cut of the garment e) feel fabric f) try the garment on considering the possibility of modifying it with a seamstress. In many cases one does not acquire a garment by details that can be arranged with ease (for example, the length of a sleeve). I hope that these rules are useful! Laura – Styletto Image Studio Lic. in international relations, Advisor of image and founder of Styletto Image Studio. Blogs similar HONOR SOCIETY ONLINE Your best source on everything about the GLCityMusic Blog Archive Classic Pimp Rap fabric Feat. 8 Ball Rollerblade only style you Overview in freedom are 4 of 8 subjects accused of transporting in selection of the color palette for a web design color palettes inspired by TV series Kabytes high-waisted or low, how to choose them?