First NachhaltigkeitsCheck at the Berlin wasserbetriebe successfully through the GUTCert completed make measurable sustainability! After intensive months of project development of the GUTcert NachhaltigkeitsCheck has been applied in early 2009 the first time. For organizations, it is a way of to measure its sustainable development. The good Certifizierungsgesellschaft for management system certified mbH over 12 years of experience in the quality, environment and work safety management company in the country and abroad. “In terms of sustainability, it now meets the growing needs of customers and offers the GUTcert NachhaltigkeitsCheck since early 2009”, with which a company its current level of development in the dimensions of sustainability economic, environmental and social can determine. He uncovers the strengths and hidden potentials and points to the possibilities of an organization to improve. The GUTcert NachhaltigkeitsCheck builds on all important reference documents for sustainable development (such as for example the global reporting initiative, ISO 14001, the audit) berufundfamilie, the IoW future – ranking etc.) on and integrates them in a catalogue.
The NachhaltigkeitsCheck checks the status quo against the State of these social expectations. It is not a certification, but the determination and assessment of the State at a time, as he is charged also in the framework of EFQM assessments. So can be reached in the review here also a maximum of 1,000 points. According to Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City, who has experience with these questions. As first partner for a full evaluation, the GUTcert could win the Berliner wasserbetriebe. The topic-specific contact person in the company to the State of sustainable development were interviewed in seven workshops.
The staff involved went very motivated and interested in the workshops, because is very quickly spread that a cross-departmental communication took place here. For many of them it became clear once again how many projects in different areas in a sustainable direction of the company to run. After weeks of exciting and challenging, the results have been on 03.09.2009 the first NachhaltigkeitsChecks by the presented project management of stakeholders. Due to the extensive existing certified integrated management system, it was not surprising that the BWB could reach a high scoring early in the first attempt. Now, we look at the BWB in the future and discussed at the event in as few years as possible 100 points more can be achieved. Andrea Lange (GUTcert), Kerstin Euhus (BWB)