New e-book for the popular business model MLM tredition-Verlag published. Veith Renensbrink network marketing is one of the most popular models of marketing worldwide. Follow others, such as AOL, and add to your knowledge base. Well just because people’s lives is made up of networks,. John Stankey follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The smallest network, where the man lives, is the family. It works for generations (level) and gives support and order (structures). Each generation takes over the same principle. Advertise each other (build business relationship), marriages (contracts), children (to duplicate or open up more levels). Companies that use MLM as a marketing tool, “classical” marketing strategies for page and use the saved budget as commissions, which can be pro rata flow in the referral network.
Network marketing is but since always been controversial, circulating rumors and myths. The sales model is punished as a pyramid scheme, referred to as ticket industry, as its own (illegal) industry denounced. Veith Rensenbrink brings in his new e-book on September 11. Published January tredition-Verlag is light in the darkness of these half-truths and provides his ideas openly, bluntly and with emotional Scharfzungigkeit to the discussion. He breaks down prejudices that prevail over this business model, relativises the partly exaggerated promises of companies but, at the same time and warns against too great expectations of many beginners in the MLM business.