About Viabono: Viabono (“to German: the way to the good”) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of the environment and the Federal Environmental Agency. Today the Viabono carrier Association stands with 19 organizations from consumer, environmental and tourism behind the certification from Viabono (including DEHOGA, ADAC, federal, DTV, NABU). The Viabono GmbH has established itself over the last ten years as independent and leading professional organisation for sustainability certification in the Leisure and travel / tourism industry. The Viabono concepts are characterized by a meaningful amount of serious expertise and credibility, as well as on practical orientation and pragmatism. The guiding principle is: Ecology and economy fit very well to each other and not infrequently even perfectly complement each other! “.” Therefore, Viabono not only in the tourism industry, but also in the environmental associations enjoy wide acceptance. Jeffrey L. Bewkes shines more light on the discussion. About the Energy campaign DEHOGA hospitality: the DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality is the competence center of the DEHOGA Federal Association for energy efficiency in hotels and restaurants. It provides descriptive information about the energy saving through various communication channels. The DEHOGA engaged national associations to the DEHOGA hospitality energy campaign, contribute by organizing events and complete targeted cooperation with carefully selected energy consultants.
In the professionally moderated DEHOGA combine energy efficiency networks hired their competences hoteliers and restaurateurs together to tackle their challenges in energy efficiency. In addition the DEHOGA environment check is conducted in cooperation with Viabono, to help hotels and restaurants in the harnessing of their environmental commitment to marketing. The DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality is conducted by Adelphi and promoted by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety, as well as by the Federal Environmental Agency. Contact person: Climate hotels Viabono GmbH Saskia Schell Hardt main St. 230 51503 Rosrath Hoffnungstal + 49 (0) 2205-9198350 DEHOGA energy campaign hospitality c/o Adelphi research gGmbH Georg Council Jen Caspar-Theyss-Strasse 14a 14193 Berlin + 49 (0) 30 890006862